Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking Google Doodle: Stephen Hawking is an English theoretical physicist in Oxford, United Kingdom.

Today is the 80th birth anniversary of Stephen Hawking; on this day Google has remembered and pays tribute to the legendary scientists on his 80th birthday with Doodle.

Stephen William Hawking is a famous English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author at the University of Cambridge. He is a great influencer to the many people in his life.

Stephen William Hawking is born on 8 January 1942 and died on 14 March 2018. In history, Stephen William Hawking is awarded as the most brilliant theoretical physicists.

On this day Google has given tribute to him and on Google home page put a long animated video with his computer-generated video. This video is all about his life history and work-life and narrative by the scientist himself and approved by Kin.

 Stephen Hawking

Here is the country where Stephen William was born on 8th January 1942, Oxford, England. At his young age 21 mesmerized by the universe. Google has described him as the most influential scientific mind in our history.

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At this time he was suffering from neurodegenerative disease, later he has gradually confined himself to a wheelchair and after that, he is lost his speech due to that disease. After some time he is communicating his voice through a speech-generating device.

Here is some Twitter about his birth anniversary and many people’s wishes on his 80th birthday, like Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, Google Doodles, Galatta Media, Vala Afshar and BINGED.

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